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Nobody Wins With a Strike

We’ve learned that UFCW Local 555 will hold strike authorization votes at several locations starting August 13.  We are disappointed that the union is choosing potential disruption over allegations that we are confident will be proven unfounded.

We understand the concerns raised by the union and want to address them during the negotiations process. We are fully committed to continuing negotiations in good faith on August 14th and 15th and encourage the union to do the same on behalf of you.

No One Wins in a Strike

The union uses a strike threat as a tactic because they believe it puts pressure on the company. In reality, it puts stress on you. It makes your work life and paycheck uncertain.

  • A strike threat here is wrong. We have been making progress and have a significant offer on the table investing in more pay for you. The union even called it an historical first offer!
  • A strike threat makes no logical sense. Is striking and harming Fred Meyer financially really the best option for a new contract?
  • No one wins with a strike. We believe strikes are harmful and never good for anyone.

Ask the Union

The union may try to convince you otherwise, but here are some questions you should ask Local 555 union stewards or representatives. Remember to get your answers in writing:

  • If I go on strike, how much will I be paid?
  • If I go on strike, when will I get paid?
  • Will the union deduct taxes out of any payment I receive?

Serving Our Communities

If the union holds a strike authorization vote the week of August 12 and gets strike authorization, it means we must be prepared should the union call for a work stoppage.

  • That’s why you will see us making contingency plans, posting signage for temporary workers, and bringing in other Fred Meyer and company employees. This is not something we want to do, but must do, so we can run the business if a work stoppage occurs. We hope the union won’t take this course of action and call a strike.

Ask Yourself

  • Would you and the other associates really be better off if a strike is called, and you don’t receive a paycheck from the company?


  • Would you and the other associates be better served if the union continues to work with the company to reach an agreement that’s good for everyone?

The choice is yours.

Do what is right for you and your family.



Frequently Asked Questions on a Strike

  • Is it true that if I resign from the union and keep working during a strike that Fred Meyer will have to fire me when the strike is over because I am no longer in the union?

This is not true. Associates that work during a strike will be permitted to return to work when the strike is over. It would violate federal labor law for the union to attempt to prevent associates from returning to work. If an associate has resigned from the union prior to the strike, the union cannot fine them for crossing a picket line.

When a strike is over, federal labor law would not require the union to take them back as members, but associates would still be permitted to work for the company. Associates do not suffer adverse consequences if they resign from the union, work during a strike, and want to continue to work for the company when the strike is over.


  • What happens to associates who work during a strike but do not want to resign from the union?  Will they be assessed penalties by the local?

Associates, who work during a strike but did not resign from the union before they worked behind the picket line, can be fined by the union. That’s why many employees who cross picket lines resign from their union membership before they do so.


  • Will I automatically still be part of the union after any work stoppage event ends?

Associates who work during a strike, will still be part of the bargaining unit when the strike is over. If they have resigned their union membership before they worked behind the picket lines, the union still cannot prevent them from continuing to be employed by the company. If the union will not let them become members again after a strike, they are still able to be employed and may only have to pay union dues to continue to work.


  • Will associates who work during a strike and resign from the union have to rejoin the union once the work stoppage is over

No. Associates who resign to work and avoid union fines during a strike do not have to join the union when the strike is over, if they do not want to. Their only obligation will be to pay regular union dues, as they did before.


You can get up-to-date information from your store leader or this website.

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